

With the help from the Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCORE), Hindu Endowments Board set up the HEB-Ashram, in 1999, a halfway house to rehabilitate and reintegrate Indian substance abusers into society. At the HEB-Ashram’s supportive environment, its residents receive emotional and spiritual guidance through a number of quality programmes and are also equipped with skills to allow them to be gainfully employed. HEB-Ashram residents are encouraged to attend classes to learn more about the religion they practice and attend yoga and meditation classes for better control of their minds and bodies.

In addition to being taught how to be financially prudent, arrangements are made for them to embark on home based jobs. SCORE’s job placement unit helps with securing appropriate jobs for the residents. As an approved charitable organization with the status of an Institution of Public Character (IPC), HEB-Ashram aims to reach out and help the community in line with its vision.


HEB-Ashram’s Logo, which assumes the form of a modern Vedic ‘Om’, has been modified to represent Ashram and the ideals it embodies. Fundamentally, the main idea behind the ‘Om’ is the universal mantra for self-elevation. The logo is crafted in two colours: Orange and Maroon.

Orange is associated with the Sun and reflects optimism and hope for a renewed life.

Maroon, on the other hand, signifies courage and strength – essential qualities that Ashram instils in its residents to transcend life’s hurdles and emerge triumphant.

The logo essentially symbolises opportunity for self-improvement as each individual re-begins life on a clean slate.


To develop a culture of recovery and resilience in offenders by providing quality client-centric rehabilitative and reintegrative programmes through innovation, teamwork and community support
To be the leader in rehabilitative therapy, training and support in collaboration with strategic partners and the community to achieve optimal success in reintegrating offenders into society

Acknowledge the unique realities and needs of our clients, and structuring our philosophy, operations and ideas around our clients to guide them towards their goals.

Actively foster interdependence through collaboration with clients, partners and the community so as to arrive at the common goal of rehabilitating offenders in Singapore

Strive to achieve the highest standard of value-added care and rehabilitation services with the aim of empowering our clients

Emphasize benevolence, empathy, (com)passion and the human touch


Chairman: Mr S Vijakumar
Vice Chairman: Mr Kanna Kannappan
Secretary: Mr Reguvaran Sreedharan
Finance Member: Mr Sivaramakrishnan Rajalingam
Members: Mr Ramesh Selvaraj
Mr Ganesan s/o Maniam
Mr Kalaivanan Pannerchilvam
Mr Ganesh Peramaiyan
Mr Rajeshpal Singh (CSGB Rep)
Mr Manimaran Vaithinadhan
Mr Arul Gopal Krishnan


Contact us

30, Durban Road, Singapore 759642